YESWELLNESSWORKS is devoted to help Individual to develop Positive mental Health. We are working to enhance
mental Health of Children by our project named “Emotionally Empowered Youth- SEL for children”. The emergence of positive mental health perspectives as shifted the focus of educators and health professionals from a preoccupation with
repairing weakness to enhancement of positive qualities (McDougal & Riley-Tillman, 2004).
Such qualities or factors may include:
– Positive individual traits
– Positive personal experiences
– Initiatives/ programs that assist in : enhancing quality of life while preventing or reducing the risk of developing mental health-related concerns,suicide’s.
We have observed that all the issues that develop among children are because they are not able to handle their emotions like failure, fear, stress, and anxiety which have increased after Covid 19 to a great extent.Thatswhy they are using inappropriate behaviour to express themselves.
Schools are being targeted for not teaching children how to handle such extreme situations, that is why we
have come up with our unique concept. That is to:
(1 ) make every teacher a Psychologists since one Counsellor cannot contribute to the mental health of the
whole school.
(2) We Train the Parents by short videos and posts which will be posted weekly on parenting and particularly branding of the school unconsciously.
(3) We Train Students, Non-Teaching staff and other stakeholders on Emotional health.
(4) The child is shy and is unable to approach the school counsellor of being misjudged by his fellow classmates, so child is unable to seek help when required or in times of need.
We have a youtube channel for Parents named as “Parenting healthy minds”. Link is given below
http://youtubelparenting healthyminds
Which makes the child take irrational decisions towards his life due to bullying or harassment in school leading to inappropriate behaviour, and impacting the school’s reputation.
But here your students can reach out to YESWELLNESSWORKS because we provide full support and confidentiality.
We offer these Programs:
For Children:
- Counselling & Therapy Sessions (One -to-one) (Weekly poster & Video on parenting to educate parents)
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Class Sessions (class 2 to 8)
- Life Skills ( from class 8 to 12)
- Other Informative sessions for Children-
- Good Touch Bad Touch
- Posco Act (senior wing)
- Peer Pressure
- Internet Addiction

For Teachers
– We offer these Pragrams-
- Teachers – knowing their ego state( Egogram) and then enhancing it to adult state( for effective
teaching) - 10 strategies to develop Social Emotional Learning Skills for every classroom for teacher’s.